
Dr Koffi Kouadio DDS, President, Katchi International

Dr Koffi Kouadio DDS, President,
Katchi International

The orientation of the socio-economic development that we envision is not a textual copy design that already exists in developed countries.

Katchi actions will be based on model types adapted to the conditions and realities as well as the cultural diversity of our people to improve their quality of life. The African countries have a young population compared to some European nations aging population. This is a major factor to take into account.

Public health and self-sufficiency in food are primary needs to ensure. It would be, therefore for Katchi through some of its projects, to introduce into these sectors of activity, technologies to obtain satisfactory results.

Moreover, education is the best means to acquire the knowledge and training necessary to integrate the professional environment. Therefore, Katchi plans not only to set a proper learning environment but also plans to provide practical applications of New Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to students, Faculty and researchers in African countries. Among other things, Katchi has an extensive program of activities in sectors such as renewable energy, urban planning, rural projects and the environment.

The change “Katchi” that we advocate must be individual, family and community oriented, based on our socio-cultural values. Therefore, it is imperative that everyone be an agent of change. The socio-economic independence depend on, in one hand, our determination and discipline to work and in the other hand, respect for democratic institutions that govern us. The scourges of corruption (individual and collective), professional laxity, illicit enrichment at the expense of people and so forth, must be fought and abandoned. It is only at this price that we are really going to feel the impact of change in general.

We must assert ourselves in order to compete and collaborate with other nations. Thus, it is absolutely necessary to strip the coat of complexes acquired during a certain period of our history in our relations with other nations to embrace change. It is therefore imperative that everyone do his mea culpa and make resolutions to open a new page in the hope of changing for better days to come. History teaches us that each generation brings its contribution in the evolution of his people. Let’s make our own be decisive, positive and memorable.

May God Bless Africa
~ Dr. Koffi Kouadio, DDS


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